We occasionally find it necessary to cancel orders due to unforeseen factors that may impact the successful processing and delivery of your purchases.
The following situations lead to the cancellation of orders:
Fraud Prevention: Your safety is MetroMart's top priority. In the fight against online fraud, the company employs strong protection measures for customers. To maintain your best interests, if there are any suspicious activities or anomalies during the payment process, we may have to terminate the transaction.
Delivery Challenges: Despite our best efforts, MetroMart's delivery times in big cities may be impacted by transportation problems. To provide the highest quality of service, we will cancel your order if we discover any issues that may compromise the food's freshness or quality.
Stock Unavailability: MetroMart is the No. 1 online grocery delivery service in the Philippines that offers a wide variety of products. However, unexpectedly high demand for particular items might lead to temporary supply shortages. Instead of promising something we can't deliver on, we cancel the purchase for the sake of transparency and honesty.
Out of Delivery Scope: While we make every effort to ensure timely and precise deliveries to all of our valued customers, we are limited by the area or location in which we operate. This implies there are strict boundaries limiting where we may make deliveries. We take pride in our honesty, and if your location falls outside our serviceable range, we will cancel the order to maintain our credibility.
The merchant is not available: Some of our partner merchant stores may be inaccessible at the moment for reasons beyond our control. Such situations can arise due to temporary closures, changes in operating hours, technical issues, or other reasons related to their operations. To ensure we maintain a high standard of service and avoid any further inconvenience, we regrettably have to cancel these orders. In the meantime, we recommend looking into the many options of products from other reliable merchant stores on our platform.